Here’s a little-known fact about me: I L-O-V-E infographics. Alright, it’s not a little-known fact, but it is true! I love the idea of presenting chunks of data (whether important, boring, shocking, historical, etc.) in a highly visual and easy-to-digest format. In hopes that you are as inquisitive and curious as I am, I’m going…
Recap: Imagine Cup 2011 US Finals
One of my favorite events happened from April 8th-11th, the Imagine Cup US Finals! I could tell you that I’m blogging about this two weeks after the event to keep it on everyone’s mind as long as possible and that would sound really good. But let’s be honest, I haven’t been very good at blogging…
The Imagine Cup: Software Design
I love the Imagine Cup! I’ve participated as a competitor and a mentor. Both experiences have been overwhelmingly positive. With a little tutorial help from my Imagine Cup teammates, Ashley and Malisa, I put together this video about the Software Design competition. Competitions: Sign Up!!
Hi, my name is Ed
Hi there! I’m Ed. I’m the newest member of the East Region Academic Developer Evangelist (ADE) team. I cover Maryland, Washington, D.C., Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. If you’re in any of these areas, please drop me a line by clicking the “Email the Author” link on the right side; I’d love…