Windows Phone 8 Theme Colors (HEX & RGB)

If you read my last blog post, you know the Windows Phone 8 SDK is out! Yay! Along with the new SDK, there are some new theme colors. Below you’ll find a summary of the new colors in HEX and RGB values. Usually I put the HEX & RGB values in a table, but I’m…

Announcing Windows Phone 8

Earlier today, Windows Phone SDK 8.0 was announced at Build! The SDK includes development support for Windows Phone 8, support for C++ games and apps, an updated emulator for Windows Phone 8, Windows Phone support for Visual Studio 2012 (both 7 and 8), and is easier to port apps between Windows 8 and Windows Phone…

Win a Nokia Lumia 900

Come by the Microsoft booth at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing for your chance to win a Nokia Lumia 900! You can enter to win by creating your very first Windows Phone app. We have four tutorials for you to walk through to create your first app. You can do the tutorials…

Startup Weekend Blacksburg Recap

Shamelessly reblogged from the Microsoft BizSpark Group Blog! Our champions in DC area, Ashish Jaiman and Ed Donahue, were mentors at StartupWeekend Blacksburg just last week (Sept 14th – 16th ) held at Rackspace in Blacksburg. The event was a huge success, and our guy Ashish says “Wow, what a great event. We got to…

How to Create a Metro Icon

I recorded this screencast that shows you how to create a metro icon using Expression Design. You can get a 60-day trial of Expression Studio (which includes Design) at If you’re a student, you can download it for free at

How to Quickly Create Windows Phone Icons

I recorded this short screencast showing how to use Windows Phone Icons Maker to quickly create application icons for Windows Phone apps. You can get Windows Phone Icons Maker at Enjoy! (If the colors are weird for you, I’m really sorry! I tried uploading it several times to take care of it, but it…

PhoneGap on Windows Phone

Glen Gordon has begun a blog series on tips and tricks to get your HTML5 site running on windows Phone using Phone Gap. PhoneGap is an HTML5 app platform that allows you to author native applications with web technologies and get access to APIs and app stores. PhoneGap leverages web technologies developers already know best……

The HackReady.Phone Webcast Series

Dani Diaz (@danidiaz) and Lindsay Lindstrom (@LindsayInPhilly), fellow evangelists and all around rockstars, are going to be doing an MSDN Webcast series that starts on Tuesday! Make some time and get your learning on! Here’s the info and schedule: Join us for HackReady, the new online learning series designed for developers to bring you the…

Fast Track App Winners & Notable Finalists!

About the Challenge Core77 and Microsoft’s Windows Phone teams challenged the international design community to design apps for Windows Phone 7.5 that would help users do their work—where ever it takes place. Five winning app designs were selected and the designers connected to established Windows Phone app developers to advise or partner with to help…

Mobile in Education

On March 19th, at the Microsoft offices in Chevy Chase, Mobile Monday Washington DC will host “The Impact of Mobile on Education“. Sponsored by Microsoft, leaders from the technology, university, and non-profit industries will discuss how the mobile channel engages lifelong learners, as well as their predictions for how the tools and technologies will evolve….